Ivloch – The Caged Kingdom Prequel Novella

It seemed like one of the cruelest twists of fate that this man wouldn’t get to say goodbye to the one he loved so desperately. A punishment Ivloch couldn’t even begin to imagine.

Once again, author M.A. Price has kept me GLUED to my e-reader. Ivloch is a prequel to The Caged Kingdom series but it is SO. MUCH. MORE. THAN. THAT. Y’ALL! I feel like I need to be even more careful than normal because me = spoilers, but I have been reading this book for a lot longer than it would normally take to read a novella because I KNEW THINGS and the way I feel about those things – and the characters that Price has created, and the amazing and interesting world that she has made for them to inhabit – I just did not want to get to the end, but I did and…well, [SPOILERS] but it was perfect and awful and beautiful and heart-wrenching and…I’m about to do it again, so I will be quiet.

Ivloch tells us the backstory, if you will, of the events that happen in The Caged Kingdom. We meet the titular main character, Ivloch, and watch as he gets swept up in the events that gave birth to the Guild that was such an integral part of The Caged Kingdom. I was not expecting to like this as much as I did, honestly, because while important and necessary, backstories sometimes end up as information dumps. But this – this was beauty. This was like pulling back the curtain to watch the sun rise, just for a moment, before the day gets started. Read it AFTER you have read The Caged Kingdom. Now, I mean now. Go. Click here and get your copy.

Also, watch for the next in this series, The Heir to Chaos.